Before you even consider joining us, make sure to check out what we do. See our socials, the website, and come to our events.

What we do is different. It's fun, but it's also a lot of hard work. It’s super rewarding, but it can be intense. If you’ve never worked with a startup or for a startup, you might not be a good fit for us. We can't offer a lot of handholding, but we do expect a lot in terms of results. We are looking for self-starters, hustlers who don’t take no for an answer, and who do whatever it takes to succeed. You’ll be a great fit with us if, in life, you see opportunities instead of obstacles.

We are changing how the startup ecosystem works, and it goes beyond just events. It’s super rewarding and has a lot of potential.

We like people who stand out. We like anything different because we are different too. If you like our vibe - talk to us!

Current roles

We do not have anything at the moment. But if you are interested in working with us, sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date.